Filming in Glen Ellyn Tuesday will Close Streets November 3, 2019 Expect road closures during filming for “Next – Season 1” on Tuesday, November 5th in Glen Ellyn.
Be Aware of People Carrying Blue Buckets This Halloween October 26, 2019 Please be aware of the people carrying Blue Buckets this Halloween. By now, you are most likely aware of the Teal Pumpkin Project. It’s where alternatives to candy like Play-Doh,…
DuPage County: Register Your Home For Trick or Treaters October 3, 2019 If you want to make sure Trick or Treaters know you are participating, you’ll have to register your house online.
The Jonas Brothers Spotted in Glen Ellyn September 18, 2019 Yes, you read that correctly. THE JONAS BROTHERS were in Glen Ellyn today.
4 Disney Princess Movies Coming Back to The Big Screen September 5, 2019 You’ll be able to catch four Disney classics with your little prince and princesses in local area theaters.
14 Cellphone Apps Kids’ Can Access That Could Be Potentially Dangerous August 26, 2019 The following apps could be potentially dangerous in the hand of a child.
3 Restaurants in Glen Ellyn Where Kids Eat FREE August 22, 2019 Eating out can cost a pretty penny when you have a large family. Thankfully, three restaurants in Glen Ellyn give your pocketbook a break.
31 Halloween Costumes That are Up to 50% Off on Amazon August 19, 2019 The more I searched Amazon, the more awesome costumes I found at pretty impressive prices. Plus, many are on sale for almost 50 percent off!
Glen Ellyn Restaurant Delivers Your Food on a Train August 10, 2019 2Toots Train Whistle Grill is a must visit for children who love the magic of trains.
Wheaton French Market Kids Bucket List August 10, 2019 Pack a wagon, the kids and head to the Wheaton French Market!